Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Grey Mountain

We spent a night in Gray Mountain Arizona. We had to go to the gas station to check into our motel, because after 6pm the motel staff abandons ship. The big sign listed the price of gas at 2.9 cents by virtue of the other numbers falling off. I doubt anyone cared/noticed. I t00k a picture of the "wrecker" that they kept on hand in case of emergency. Yes, its nothing more than a mini-van with a trailer hitch. And yes, both of those tires are flat. And yes, I checked the two on the other side-- both flat.

But earlier that day we stopped at Montezuma Castle national monument. Its a ruin of a pre-Hopi tribe that vanished about 90 years prior to Columbus arriving in the Carribean. So the only white guilt I felt hear was that I didn't have a fancier camera. This place is way neat, and the sun was setting and lighting it up nicely. Nobody nows why they abandoned this settlement after 300 years of living in the side of a cliff. My guess is that they wised up.

1 comment:

mumblingsages said...

Awesome shot of the Castle!