Monday, January 10, 2005

Fear the Fro

So, to my utter amazement, the Vikings beat the Packers in the playoffs. Randy Moss was even well behaved about it. This is the first time since I've moved to Wisconsin that I've wished that I had a job. I find myself longing for the meaninless hallway convesations. I love eavesdropping on Viking vs Pack arguements, but I despise being in one. I suppose I don't join in because, in my lifetime, the Vikings have never been much to crow about. This is the point of the year that we are supposed to think, "Hey, the Vikes have a serious shot!" But, being the Vikes, we know they will disappoint us. I wish them well, but I can't climb on the bandwagon untill the purple is up by 22 points with a minute thirty left in the SuperBowl. It will take that much for me to believe. For now I can only relish in the Packers' loss. To be honest, their loss is much better than the Vikings win. I can be happy that another year will pass without a Pack championship. Yes, having them bumped by the Vikes is a sweet bonus. I will savor them being a little quieter at church this coming Sunday before the game, but I dread the noise the following week when I'll get to hear about how the Pack would never lose 54-3 to the Eagles.


klund said...

Two posts in one day? What gives?

BiggTree said...

I guess the spirit must have moved me.