Tuesday, June 28, 2005

I have so little joy in my life.

One of the very few things I have to look forward to is the second week of Wimbledon. During this glorious period, Wimbledon Update on NBC is squeezed between local news and Tonight show reruns. Why does my local news feel compelled to lessen the experience by concluding their sportscast with their own recap of Wimbledon. Wouldn't make more sence to simply say "'Stay tuned for Wimdledon Update immediately after 'NewsCenter13'". Its not like they are in the habit of giving tennis news. Once they have removed the bloom from the rose, the only thing I have to look forward to on the Update is Mr. Carillo fawning over Gollum.

Am I the only American who has grown tired of John McEnroe?


Scooter said...

I feel the same way about coverage of the Tour de France.

klund said...

Wimble-what? Tour de who? Pay attention to real sports, gentlemen.